Your community manager for sport
and fitness

🤗 Ensure a consistent presence on social media with just a few clicks.
community management sport
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The sector
of sport
and fitness

Enhance your sports establishment by taking full advantage of the opportunities offered by social networks and a community manager specialized in sports and fitness at your side.

They are hubs of inspiration and motivation for sports and fitness enthusiasts, offering a space where they can share their achievements, find advice and ideas, as well as discover new programs and equipment. The strength of local community management then takes on its full meaning to increase the visibility of your sport and fitness activity!

Here are some key figures about social media:
58.6% of Internet users aged 16 to 64

use Instagram at least once a month

With an ever-growing audience

Social networks play a crucial role in promoting sports practices and fitness programs. They allow fitness and sports companies to target local audiences and visually present their activities.

Why can’t your sports establishment do without a social media presence and a sports community manager?

Boost your online visibility

Sport-related community management on social networks offers a unique opportunity to share inspiring and motivating content to attract the attention of thousands of people in your city. Être actif sur les réseaux sociaux est devenu un indicateur de présence et de crédibilité en ligne. Not being there is a risk of going unnoticed.

increase your customer base

Social media is an effective and economical way to promote your sports programs, sports club or fitness facilities to attract new members. By sharing relevant and engaging content, you can engage sports and fitness enthusiasts, inspiring them to join your establishment or club.

Keep your customers informed and engaged

Use a sports community manager who will embellish your posts so that your community interacts and brings you the visibility of their friends with the same sports interests. Through this community management, you can keep them informed, reinforcing their commitment and loyalty to your sports establishment and generating future customers/ members.

🚀 Develop a customized editorial line on social media starting today!
exemple de publication sport
exemple de publication sport
exemple de publication sport
exemple de publication sport
exemple de publication sport
exemple de publication sport
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a few topics
for sport and fitness :

Presentation of facilities and equipment: gyms, sports fields, sports equipment, fitness equipment
Sharing tips and tricks: training techniques, nutrition tips, exercise routines, pre-competition work
Highlighting courses and events: group classes, group training sessions, private sessions, sports competitions, tournament organization, youth sports camps
Announcement of special offers: promotions and discounts
Testimonials and success stories: members/ members, physical transformations, sports performances
Promotion of special offers: monthly subscriptions, discovery packs, discounts on training programs, open doors, participation in a training
Collaborations with influencers and experts: partnerships with sports coaches, athletes, nutritionists
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Let’s get started!

Tookano takes care of the generation of your publications and your monthly schedule

Let Tookano generate your content and automate your publications. Our AI produces custom content based on your community management goals and needs.

You also have the freedom to adjust your editorial line according to the tone and frequency of content you want.

Based on your goals :

Generate more traffic to your website to multiply opportunities to turn your audience into real customers.


Create authentic connections with your audience and engage with them. This will encourage your brand recommendation.


Increase the visibility of your sports establishment by sharing varied and informative content. This will strengthen your credibility and attract new members.

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On which social networks
should I post?

Instagram and Facebook are essential platforms for the sports and fitness sector.

Instagram offers a visual showcase to showcase your facilities, courses, results, fitness programs and members in action. You can also share tips and tricks using relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience.

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tookano réseaux sociaux

How Tookano
can it contribute to your
online radiation?

Opt for Tookano and benefit from a content strategy adapted to your needs and your target audience, developed with ease by a community manager who understands the market and the expectations of the sports world.

You set the tone
The pace of publication
And the social media platforms for distribution
Tookano takes over by proposing content suggestions and establishing a calendar of community management publications dedicated to sport.
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présence en ligne sport et fitness